On Generalized Weyl Conformal Curvature Tensor in Para-Kenmotsu Manifolds

On Generalized Weyl Conformal Curvature Tensor

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  • Mohd. Bilal
  • T. Raghuwanshi
  • M. K. Pandey
  • Abdul Haseeb Jazan University
  • A. Goyal


Weyl conformal curvature tensor, para-Kenmotsu manifolds, Einstein manifold, generalized Weyl conformal curvature tensor


In the present study, we consider a generalized Weyl conformal curvature tensor on para-Kenmotsu manifolds (briefly, $PK$-manifolds). First we describe certain vanishing properties of generalized Weyl conformal curvature tensor (brifly, GWC-curvature tensor) on a $PK$-manifold. Later, we study generalized Weyl conformally semi-symmetric $PK$-manifold that turns out to an Einstein manifold. Among others, it has been shown that the generalized Weyl conformally $\phi$-symmetric $PK$-manifold is of constant curvature or $dr (\psi)=0$.


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How to Cite

Mohd. Bilal, T. Raghuwanshi, M. K. Pandey, Abdul Haseeb, & A. Goyal. (2024). On Generalized Weyl Conformal Curvature Tensor in Para-Kenmotsu Manifolds: On Generalized Weyl Conformal Curvature Tensor. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 7(3), 55–64. Retrieved from https://nonlinear-analysis.com/index.php/pub/article/view/425