$\rho$-Einstein solitons in Lorentzian para-Kenmotsu manifolds

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  • Mobin Ahmad Integral University's
  • Mohd. Bilal Umm Al Qura University
  • Gazala Integral University


$\rho$-Einstein soliton;, Einstein manifolds;, Lorentzian para-Kenmotsu manifolds


The main purpose of the current paper is to study certain curvature conditions in Lorentzian para-Kenmotsu $n$-manifolds (briefly, $(LPK)_n$) admitting $\rho$-Einstein solitons ($\rho$-ES).

Author Biographies

Mohd. Bilal, Umm Al Qura University

Department of Mathematical Sciences, 
Faculty of Applied Sciences

Gazala, Integral University

Department of Mathematics & Statistics,

Faculty of Science


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How to Cite

Ahmad, M., Mohd. Bilal, & Gazala. (2024). $\rho$-Einstein solitons in Lorentzian para-Kenmotsu manifolds. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 7(2), 53–63. Retrieved from https://nonlinear-analysis.com/index.php/pub/article/view/391

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