Weighted pretopological approach for decision accuracy in information system

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  • M. Kamel EL-Sayed Department of Basic Science, Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt


Pretopology, Information system, Decision accuracy


Computing decision accuracy is an important step in making and choosing decision in information system. Most works in this direction does not use the concepts of topology. This work is to use pretopological structures generated from weighted similarity classes to find accuracy of decision sets. Example is given to indicate the approach and comparison between weighted accuracy and other types of accuracy


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2023-07-18 — Updated on 2023-07-27


How to Cite

M. Kamel EL-Sayed. (2023). Weighted pretopological approach for decision accuracy in information system. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(2), 122–129. Retrieved from https://nonlinear-analysis.com/index.php/pub/article/view/229 (Original work published July 18, 2023)