Several generalized K-shadowing properties characteristics in metric space

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  • Anwer Ahmed Saleh University of Sfax, Departement of Mathematiques, Tunisia
  • Mohamed Hbaib University of Sfax, Departement of Mathematiques, Tunisia


Shadowing, K-shadowing, Metric space


We focus here on K-shadowing characteristic due to its significant mathematical aspects and application. Several of the format’s common characteristics are demonstrated in this essay. If (W, d) is a metric space with dimensions z,v : (W,d)→(W,d) be mapping have the K-shadowing characteristic. We demonstrate the K-shadowing properties of the mappings z ×v z + v , zn and zov.


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How to Cite

Anwer Ahmed Saleh, & Mohamed Hbaib. (2023). Several generalized K-shadowing properties characteristics in metric space. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(2), 108–113. Retrieved from