Some geometric properties on Lorentzian Sasakian manifolds

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  • Shashikant Pandey Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow, U.P. India
  • Abhishek Singh Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow, U.P. INDIA.
  • Manisha M. Kankarej Department of Science and Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubai, UAE.
  • Jai Pratap Singh Department of Mathematics, B.S.N.V.P.G. College University of Lucknow, U.P. India


Lorentzian Sasakian manifolds, Quarter-symmetric metric connection, Concircular curva- ture tensor, Einstein manifold


The objective of the present paper is to study and investigate the geometric properties of Concircular curvature tensor on a Lorentzian Sasakian manifold (in short LS-manifold) endowed with the quarter-symmetric non metric connection. This research is also supported with an example that satisfies the conditions of Concircularly flat and ϒ -Concircularly flat Lorentzian Sasakian manifold endowed
with the quarter-symmetric non metric connection.


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2023-05-02 — Updated on 2023-05-05


How to Cite

Shashikant Pandey, Abhishek Singh, Manisha M. Kankarej, & Jai Pratap Singh. (2023). Some geometric properties on Lorentzian Sasakian manifolds. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(1), 107–115. Retrieved from (Original work published May 2, 2023)