Recent generalized exponential distribution using proposed formal with application

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  • Hawraa AL-Sharif Babylon University, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Hilla
  • Kareema AL-Khafagy Babylon University, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Hilla


Generalized distribution; Moment; Quantile function; Hazard function; Mode; Maximum likelihood estimation


It is essential to develop generalizations of current statistical distributions that should be able to adapt and change when simulating actual data. A brand-new continuous distribution family known as the Recent Generalized Exponential distributions using the proposed formal formula RGED is introduced in statistical modeling. Some properties of the statistical features, like the probability density function for PDF, Moments, and the cumulative distribution function (CDF), are obtained. To demonstrate The adaptability of the new generalized family, maximum probability approximation estimates are applied to actual data regarding the model’s parameters, specifically patients with head and neck cancer. The new generalized exponential family distribution outperformed other known
distribution models identified with the same generalized base distribution, proving its high level and adaptability for analyzing various data.


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How to Cite

Hawraa AL-Sharif, & Kareema AL-Khafagy. (2024). Recent generalized exponential distribution using proposed formal with application. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 7(4), 187–194. Retrieved from