Solving convex monotone equations by a modified projection technique

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  • H.A. Wasi Department of information networks, College of information technology, University of Babylon, Babylon
  • Mohammed Abdul Daim Zoba Department of Energy and Renewable Energies, College of Engineering Al-Musayab, University of Babylon, Babylon
  • Ahmed Hadi Hussain Department of Automobile Engineering, College of Engineering Al-Musayab, University of Babylon, Babylon


constrained optimization problems, projection method, monotonic equations


Optimization problems are divided into constrained optimization problems and unconstrained optimization problems. Most real-world problems fall into constrained optimization problems involving linear or non-linear constraints. To overcome these obstacles, numerical optimization is resorted to, which includes several methods and techniques to find the optimal solution. One effective technique for solving optimization problems is the projection method, and We used a new projection technique to solve large non-linear monotonic equations with convex constraints. Large-scale monotonic nonlinear equations can be solved using the enhanced method., which also has the advantage of requiring less memory. It is shown that under the correct conditions, the proposed method is globally convergent, and numerical results support its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

H.A. Wasi, Mohammed Abdul Daim Zoba, & Ahmed Hadi Hussain. (2024). Solving convex monotone equations by a modified projection technique. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 7(4), 181–186. Retrieved from