Finding the least time and lowest cost to build residential complexes using the simplex method

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  • Rehab Raheem Kadhim Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Babylon, Hilla,
  • Mushtak A.K. Shiker Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Babylon, Hilla


Residential Complexes, Construction Project Management Optimization, Simplex Method, Multiple Objective Functions, Linear Programming.


This paper explores the dual optimization of time and cost objectives in the construction of residential complexes. By employing multiple objective functions, this study aims to determine the most efficient construction schedule that simultaneously minimizes time and cost. By applying mathematical optimization techniques, such as linear programming and multi-objective optimization algorithms, we seek to develop a systematic approach to balancing these competing objectives while considering constraints such as resource availability, project scope, and quality standards. By evaluating different trade-offs between cost and time, we found insights into optimal scheduling strategiesFor residential complex projects, which contributed to enhancing project management practices and improving project outcomes in the constructionindustry. Due to the complexities of residential projects, they involve many interconnected activities that must be implementedcarefully, planned, and coordinated. This paper aims to reduce the time required to complete the project at the lowest possible cost because delay leads to substantial financial losses.


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How to Cite

Rehab Raheem Kadhim, & Mushtak A.K. Shiker. (2024). Finding the least time and lowest cost to build residential complexes using the simplex method. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 7(4), 163–169. Retrieved from