Controlling the movement of hexacopter along the intended route

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  • Gulush Nabadova Baku Engineering University, İnstitute of Control Systems


Quaternion, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Faulty engine, Hexacopter


The article examines the issue of controlling the movement of a hexacopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle along the intended route. The movement of the hexcopter is assumed as the movement of a solid body, gravity and aerodynamic drag forces are taken into account. It is assumed that the feedback data during control (accelerometer and gyroscope data) ise obtained from MPU6050 type sensors. MPU6050 type sensors do not measure orientation angles, but their rate of change, therefore, quaternions were used as orientation parameters in the mathematical model of hexocopter movement. In this article, the movement route is described as a trajectory consisting of straight sections, and an algorithm for calculating the base values of the control parameters is given, which ensures stable flight in each straight section of the trajectory , when all the engines of the hexocopter are working normally. During the study, the issue of ensuring straight-line movement of hexacopters when any of the hexacopter engines is faulty (out of order) was also considered, in this case, the optimal control parameters ensuring straight-line flight of the hexacopter were determined.


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How to Cite

Nabadova, G. (2024). Controlling the movement of hexacopter along the intended route. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 7(4), 26–34. Retrieved from