Generalized near approximations in bitopological spaces

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  • Jamal Oudetallah Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Irbid National University, P.O. Box 2600, Irbid, P.C. 21110, Jordan
  • Mohammad M. Rousan The Ministry of Education; c Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Jazan University, P.O. Box 114, P.C. 45142, KSA
  • Rehab Alharbi Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Irbid National University, P.O. Box 2600, Irbid, P.C. 21110, Jordan


Topologized spaces, Generalized near approximations, Bitopological spaces.


The current study is aimed at the utilization of the concept of bitopological space in the definition of other concept such as generalized near approximations, generalized near boundary regions and generalized near accuracy as well as providing an indepth understanding of the properties of this concept in relation with other bitopological space. The study concluded by suggesting the concept of generalized near approximations open way for the construction of lower and upper approximations.


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How to Cite

Jamal Oudetallah, Mohammad M. Rousan, & Rehab Alharbi. (2023). Generalized near approximations in bitopological spaces. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(3), 130–136. Retrieved from