η- approximation, η-co- approximation and δ- orthogonal in bounded space

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  • Alaa Adnan Auad Department of Mathematics, College of Education for pure science, University of Anbar-Iraq
  • Mohamed Azeez HILAL Middle Technical University
  • Abdulsattar Ali Hussein University of Anbar, Education College for women, Ramadi, Iraq.


η- approximation, η-co- approximation, η- orthogonal, bounded function, bounded space



The aim goal in this article, some relationships have been established of the concepts - approximation, -co- approximation and - orthogonal with the images under isometry mappings, whereas these results are generalization and expansion of - approximation, -co- approximation and - orthogonal.


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How to Cite

Auad, A. A., HILAL, M. A., & Hussein, A. A. (2023). η- approximation, η-co- approximation and δ- orthogonal in bounded space. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(4), 149–156. Retrieved from https://nonlinear-analysis.com/index.php/pub/article/view/257