A close look at Newton–Cotes integration rules

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  • Emre Sermutlu


quadrature, Newton–Cotes, truncation Error, MATLAB


Newton–Cotes integration rules are the simplest methods in numerical integration. The main advantage of using these rules in quadrature software is ease of programming. In practice, only the lower orders are implemented or tested, because of the negative coefficients of higher orders. Most textbooks state it is not necessary to go beyond Boole’s 5-point rule. Explicit coefficients and error terms for higher orders are seldom given literature. Higher-order rules include negative coefficients therefore roundoff error increases while truncation error decreases as we increase the number of points. But is the optimal one really Simpson or Boole? In this paper, we list coefficients up to 19-points for both open and closed rules, derive the error terms using an elementary and intuitive method, and test the rules on a battery of functions to find the optimum all-round one.




How to Cite

Emre Sermutlu. (2022). A close look at Newton–Cotes integration rules. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 2(2), 48–60. Retrieved from https://nonlinear-analysis.com/index.php/pub/article/view/23