A comparative review of solution methods and techniques for analyzing reliability in the transient state

Comparative study 1, Differential Equations 2, Markov model 3, Transient state 4, Reliabiity 5, Numerical methods 6, large scale systems 7Abstract
The primary goal of this comparative study is to address various solution methods and techniques for transient analysis of a three-component system’s reliability. To analyse the system’s transient reliability, a Markov model is used. To determine the outcome of the differential equations of a three-component system in the transient state, three methods are used: the Laplace Transform method, the Matrix approach, and simple integration. These procedures are executed that has been reviewed using MATLAB 7.8.0 (R2009a). These tools and numerical methods offer a more reliable mathematical framework and methodology for evaluating the transient reliability of the system. The introduction of these techniques is useful for researchers to assess reliability and availability in large scale systems.
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