Prediction nullity of graph using data mining

Prediction nullity of graph using data mining

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  • Mehdi Alaeiyan School of Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technolgy, Narmak, Tehran 16846, Iran.
  • Karrar Khudhair Obayes School of Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846, Iran.
  • Mohammadhadi Alaeiyan Faculty of Computer Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Seyed Khandan, Shariati Ave, 16317-14191 Tehran, Iran.


Nullity of a graph, Machine learning, Graph, Eigenvalue


Nullity computation is widely used to determine the stability of a chemical molecule. Mainly, a molecule is presented as a graph, and the graph nullity value clarifies the strength of the molecule. Some formulas for specific graphs help us compute the nullity value, but it is challenging to remember the formula of each particular graph. However, another formula for calculating the nullity value is based on the graph rank. Nevertheless, processing time would be increased by the growth of the number of vertices of graphs. This paper suggests machine learning methods for computing the nullity value of a given graph. We leveraged random graph generation methods to collect many graph instances. Then, the experimental results on the collected dataset offer accuracy of 97.0878% for binary classification and 94.56% for value prediction.


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How to Cite

Alaeiyan, M., Khudhair Obayes, K., & Alaeiyan, M. (2023). Prediction nullity of graph using data mining: Prediction nullity of graph using data mining. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(2), 1–8. Retrieved from