Some new existence results on the hybrid fractional differential equation with variable order derivative

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  • Samira Zerbib Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, B
  • Khalid Hilal
  • Ahmed Kajouni


ψ-Hilfer derivative, variable order fractional derivative, Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem


Fractional order systems play a vital role in the study of the abnormal behavior of dynamic systems in physics, biology, viscoelasticity, and in the study of population dynamics. The thing that caught our attention thinking about using the order of the fractional derivatives as a function, where we find some works (mentioned in the introduction), in which the order of the fractional derivative has been used as a function that changes with concentration, time, space, or other independent quantities.


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How to Cite

Samira Zerbib, Khalid Hilal, & Ahmed Kajouni. (2023). Some new existence results on the hybrid fractional differential equation with variable order derivative. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(1), 34–48. Retrieved from