Topological-like notions via Δ-open sets

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  • Mohammad A. A. Marabeh


: open set closed set symmetric difference Δ-open set Δ-closed set


We provide a characterization of Δ-open and Δ-closed sets in topological spaces. Besides, based on the concepts of Δ-open and Δ-closed sets we investigate the notions of Δ-interior, Δ-exterior, Δ-closure, Δ-derived sets, Δ-boundary sets, and Δ-dense sets. Moreover, we study Δ-open and Δ-closed sets in product topology and subspace typology.


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How to Cite

Mohammad A. A. Marabeh. (2023). Topological-like notions via Δ-open sets. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 6(1), 12–23. Retrieved from